May Your Soul Prosper...

This a blessing found in the book of 3 John 1:2 from the Holy scriptures. For me it sums up the meaning behind the promise that God gave to Israel when he showed them the land that was filled with Milk and Honey that they were to enter into.

Like us the today, the land we enter into is one of the spirit in Jesus. A land also filled with milk and honey one that is spiritually and physically rich and abundant life so to speak.

A life where its inhabitants are being shaped and formed into the image of Christ the son of GOD and understanding the name on which we call and discerning the body of Christ.

It is the realm of the kingdom of GOD where He rules in our hearts as believers and the life we live is lived out by the faith of Jesus who lives for us in righteousness.

This is what Flowin with Milk and Honey means to us and this is what we strive for, to embrace the instruction and the promise found in Matthew 6:33 to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things will be added to us .

It's about the entire sphere of who God is, our relationship to him, life in him of the New covenant and as citizens of the kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem.

By grace....
Granted, we are believers in Jesus Christ and the Gospel he preached. We are a family learning day by day God's ways. We are learning through the Holy Spirit in everyday life situations. There is nothing unusual or unattainable about how God interacts with His people. Its all pretty simple once the dust clears and we understand that God is not in the business of making it difficult for us to call on his name (its near our mouths) or to seek Him. All He desires is repentance because it is His good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.

 Much love Grace and Peace.
Pete and Connie Mojica


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