Fermentation, Presevation and Good God Health.

 God has graced the earth with abundance. And there are so many good foods and natural remedies to sustain and maintain our bodies, it's crazy ridiculous. Something sort of new to me and that I really am in awe of, are fermented foods. As I scan the net I'm seeing the many varieties of food and methods used to preserve food and add health benefits to them, its wonderful.

I'm experiencing head spinning excitement as I imagine making some of these delicious goodies for my family and my self. I see marrieds of possibilities and lots of health benefits t'boot.

 This is one of those "where have you been all my life" moments. So I'll be exploring an sharing some of my own concoctions that we make here at FlowinWithMilkAndHoney and educating my self and family to pass these on to future generations. God is So good.

Here is a collection of some websites that explain the process and some recipes to try...Check out my Pinterest board on Fermenting and Dehydrating : The preservation of food for good health. 
 If your new to fermenting and food preservation I hope this it knocks you socks off like it did me !


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